Convert your HTML5 project to a (Capacitor based) mobile app.

Manage Credentials

Manage Credentials


    Getting Started

    Download the Template Project to get started quickly.

    html2app uses Capacitor 5. If you use plugins, make sure they are Capacitor 5 compatible.


    How to

    Other Services


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    Future Features

    My TODO list:

    • [ ] Sharable download links.
    • [x] QRCode scanning for downloads.
    • [ ] Make all @capacitor and @capacitor-community plugins work.
    • [ ] Create certificates online.
    • [ ] Publish iOS app to apple connect.
    • [x] Easily get iPhone/iPad UDID.
    • [ ] Build and download from the CLI and CI/CD workflow.


    I hope I can provide this service for free for ever.

    I love HTML5 games and apps. I myself am also the author of enable3d and I love Phaser and three.js. Providing this service surely helps lots of developer bringing their HTML5 project to Android and iOS.

    Privacy & Security

    Besides providing a great service that "just works", privacy and security is most important to me. Absolutely NON private information are stored in the database. For the GitHub Login I only store a hash of your github id for identification.

    Everything you do or upload will be deleted after 48h. Only the build credentials you upload, will remain (aes-256 encrypted) in the database for 1 year, with only you having the decrypt secret.

    The whole app and infrastructure runs serverless with very strict and explicit access roles for each service.